Tag Archives: narendra modi video

‘Idea of India’ in Narendra Modi speech

These days before Lok Sabha polls, BJP are arranging rallies in different cities in India for facing their PM candidate Narendra Modi. Form Jaipur rally to Patna rally in Bihar we saw that there were huge crowed came to listen Modi’s words. This is the first time when people are really interested to listen any political leader. Narendra Modi who is Gujarat chief minister and PM candidate of BJP shares general but important issues publically.


In Narendra Modi speech Modi always talk about people problems like electricity, development, agriculture etc and these are basic problems of people in country, and important to be solved for developing country. Modi always motivated people in his speeches and give them new ideas to solve their general problems. As we know Modi is PM in waiting candidate and people really want to see him as prime minister of India.

In Modi’s words we can saw that he always talked about development and he already developed his state Gujarat. For development, he is working for a long time and now decoded to make a statue of Sardar Patel, which is double height of statue of liberty and will name this ‘statue of Unity’.

incredible economical state with Narendra Modi

Gujarat is an Indian state located in western India. It also makes the international border which is shared with Pakistan. After the emergence of forthcoming candidate Narendra Modi for pm as a Chief Minister of Gujarat, this state has contributed a lot to Indian economic development . This man has always been a man of vision from its childhood. His work and his struggle are known to all.

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Prime ministerial candidate and Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi representing Bhartiya Janata Party is supported by many Indians today. He was born in Vadnagar which is a part of Gujarat now. He has done a lot for Gujarat and is involved in various work today also to serve its nation. He even went on a rally which was especially organized for the tribes and even the tribe’s community was called for the rally in Udaipur. There occurred blasts but he didn’t take attention on that but just ignored and moved to Patna without any fear and focus on that. He just wants  the safety and growth of its nation and is working for the same. This shows how much he is keen for his work towards serving the people and he does not discriminate among any individual or community.

Narendra Modi for PM

Right now Narendra Modi is serving Gujarat as a Chief  Minister representing the same Bhartiya Janata Party.  He became the fourteenth CM of Gujarat on 7th October 2001 and since then is serving the state well. With this he has made a record of long service period as a CM in Gujarat. He has done a great job in the development of an environment favorable for economic growth and has always been praised for the same.

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For the forthcoming election of Prime Minister, preferable choice of many people is narendra modi for pm. This is so because of the work that it had done since entered into the politics. There was no growth, no development in the area where he made changes. People love his work and support for them and  his niche to do well for the state.

Till today there had been many people who lauded narendra modi like Mr. Jagmohan Reddy who said in the press that he respects the administrative capabilities of Mr. Narendra Modi.

Mr. Shivraj Singh Chouhan said in an interview that he admires the work that Mr. Narendra Modi does.

Miss Kiran Bedi endorsed the development that has been done in the ruling era of Modi’s.

Its not so that he has always been endorsed but have also been criticized but his work has hidden the criticism. He has done a great development in all regards. This is the reason why he has completed 12 years of leadership.

Modi can only hold country situation- Hema Malini

Politics and Bollywood is different thing but they are both popular in country. Bollywood dream girl and Rajya Sabha member Hema Malini share her point on both. On politics she said that country has its worst condition and only Narendra Modi can solve all situations, and on Bollywood she that youth likes to see item numbers in movies.

narendra modi

narendra modi

Hema Malini attended a program on Fatehabad road in dance academy. After program she talked to media and said that country system is too bad people are expecting for some better, and Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi can fulfill their expectations. She further said each side has an atmosphere of instability in country, Modi emerged with a hope to the nation.

On the other side yesterday PM in waiting Modi addressed a rally in Jhansi Uttar Pradesh, Modi addressed people with a new theme, he said he has not come there to weep or cry, he has come there to wipe tears of people. He will work as peon not as PM.

Narendra Modi today address BJP rally in Jhansi

On Friday in the city of Rani Laxmi Bai Jhansi, Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi will address BJP rally. Prepared platform on the lines of Rani Laxmi Bai fort, Modi will address from this platform. In his Kanpur rally Modi attention regional Problems, and in Jhansi Modi will also share Bundelkhand Regional Problems with people.


Source said that a huge crowed of Madhya Pradesh could also join to Narendra Modi rally. This is second time Modi will address BJP rally in Uttar Pradesh. In his Kanpur Rally Modi share problems for common people and here in Jhansi Modi will also share his views related to development.

BJP spokesman Vijay Bahadur Pathak said that the aim of party is always development. And this is the important point for country that system should be changed and development should be going on. The GIC ground of Jhansi is decorated full on. For welcome to Modi city BJP workers hanged welcome and Modi’s poster in different places in Jhansi. Source said like Kanpur this rally will also be successful.

Narendra Modi-led BJP will win

From view of political elections, every political party have biggest eye on UP. Almost 11 years far from UP’s politics, now BJP is trying hardly to catch 57 seats from 80. BJP has mission of Delhi via UP, for this party project his popular candidate in all the country, Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi.

narendra modi

narendra modi

One of BJP senior leader Kalraj Mishra share some point related to UP situation. Here some are.

Regional Parties had hold UP authority some years, this one’s a big reason of un-development. Worse condition of roads and shortage of electricity in the village. People are suffering from stress communal conflict. Now time to change government.

Further Kalraj Mishra said that I will work for party and do everything for party what I can. In the leadership of Narendra Modi BJP will definitely will win with huge vote in UP. People are suffering here in UP and all are want to change political structure.

Tea stalls and free jalebies for Narendra Modi’s Bihar rally

BJP PM in waiting Narendra Modi will start his Bihar rally on 27th of October, for this BJP make prepared deeply for this rally. BJP workers are taking this rally seriously and working to make this rally successful. BJP hired 11 special trains, which are move from different places in Bihar to Patna, despite it over 300 buses are also arranged for this rally.


People are exited for this rally, and the proof is that a man recently opened a shop in Saharsa district, 250 km from Patna on the name of his prime minister candidate Modi, and for promote Sundays rally he will provide free jalebies and tea for party workers.

This rally is important for BJP and for Narendra Modi, if this rally will be successful, Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi will get a huge support for his Lok Sabha polls. This could be one more success step for Modi, and BJP as well as Modi doesn’t want and problem during his Bihar Rally.

Narendra Modi is inspiration and energy of youth- Mukesh Ambani

In political history only few persons are famous and popular, and Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi is one of them. Now Modi wave is spreading everywhere. Everyone is admires to Narendra Modi specially youth of country is crazy and see him as next Pm of India.


In his busy scheduled, Modi to addressed students at 3rd Convocation Ceremony of Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University in Gandhinagar on Saturday. In PDPU industrial Mukesh Ambani was also there, Mr. Ambani said Gujarat is a developed state and the hand behind this development is Narendra Modi, every big industrialist want to invest in Gujarat, On that occasion Ambani announced, Reliance and Govt. of Gujarat will jointly invest Rs 500 crore in order to develop Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University as a Global University.

This huge investment will change the structure of PDPU, for this students of University are happy and exited, they are thanking to Gujarat government, CM Narendra Modi and Reliance group.

11 trains and 30 feet dynamic screen prepared for Modi Rally in Patna

On 27th October BJP is deeply trying to make success, his PM candidate Narendra Modi in Nitish area Bihar. Ex Deputy Chief Sushil Kumar Modi told PTI that the party will be reserved for 11 trains for ‘Hunkar rally’. During Rally there will a huge 30 feet screen assembled, that people can see Gujarat CM on it.


On this 30 feet screen with Narendra Modi, there will be also Nalanda University, Bodh Gaya temple, including the rotunda of the great figures of the famous historical places shown in screen. Sushil Modi said that the figures will be shown pictures, they are  Veer Kunwar Singh Hero of the Revolution of 1857, independent India’s first President Rajendra Prasad and Jayaprakash Narayan, and they all are from Bihar. The Rally will also be shown on live telecast and people can join  Modi Rally with live coverage at home.

BJP’s Bihar unit president Mangal Pandey said, the 11 trains have been reserved for those coming for Modi’s Rally, and despite it over 3000 buses are also arranged carry people from difference places in Bihar.

Narendra Modi to address BJP Rally today in Kanpur

Gujarat CM Narendra Modi is going to address youth in Unyan Park in Kanpur UP today. Like every time no doubt that there will be thousands of people come to listen Modi. Not only Kanpur infect Lucknow administration guess and announce that today Phoolbag (Kanpur’s Park) to be crowed all the Charbagh. Stringent security arrangements have been made on the Unyan Park Indiranagar. Police is preparing to divert traffic locations, including GT Road.


Political agencies are estimating to heavy crowd for rally. It is clear that railway and GRP rally arrangements especially for rally.  Local administration is taking this BJP Rally seriously, because BJP have not given any written letter to railway for extra and better arrangement, despite it railway administration prepared for this and arrange extra ticket counter for people that nobody will struggle for ticket.

GRP SO told to media that that we cannot ignore Saturday crowd gather for Narendra Modi rally, and for handle crowd we need extra force for better arrangement, so we already posted 200 GRP soldiers.